1️⃣Start A Node


  1. Any wallet which supports Binance Smart Chain like Metamask, Binance wallet, Trust Wallet etc. If Binance smart chain is not configured in your wallet please add BSC network in your wallet.

  2. Required BNB balance to mint the Node. If you don't have enough balance, buy it from an exchange

How to Create a Node from Desktop

Step 1: Open the invite URL from your chrome browser. If you don't have an invite URL join our discord community and ask someone for an invite link.

Step 2: Connect your wallet. You need any of the supporting wallets to do this.

Step 3: Once the wallet is connected, click on the continue button to select a tier.

Step 4: Mint the node into your wallet

Step 5: Your wallet will ask for confirmation. Click on confirm button.


How to Create a Node from Mobile

On mobile, you can't directly create a node from a mobile browser. You need to use the browser option inside your mobile wallet. The following is an example of how to start a node from mobile using metamask wallet.

Step 1: Open the browser option on the metamask app.aa

Step 2: Paste your invite link in the URL field/address bar.

Step 3: Rind app will load and request you to connect your wallet. Click on "Connect your wallet.

The rest of the steps will be the same as above -> How to Create a Node from Desktop

Last updated